03. Rêve d'oiseau (à la mémoire de Kizito Mihigo et d'autres Activistes tués)

03. Bird’s dream… (in memory of Kizito Mihigo and other slained activists) Prod by Docta Kloz
Humgr Humgr Humgr  
Yeah Martial Pa’nucci MwanaMayi  
‘‘Rêve d’oiseau…’’ Yoka Yoka yoka  
[Refrain] twice
Live free !  
We all aspire to that  
No matter what corner of the world you're in  
To live free !
We dream of touching the sky  
To soar without having our wings clipped  
[1 st Verse]  
Makes you light  
To soar  
Above the fray  
What could be nobler  
Than to rise  
To give our lives for causes greater than ourselves  
What could be more ignoble  
Than to clip the wings of a young bird
Who dreams of soaring
You can kill the revolutionary
But never the revolution
You can nail the resistants in their beaks
But that will never be the solution
We're born, we live, we die  
But not all deaths have the same meaning
‘‘And making folks disapear is the act  
Of people who miss imagination’’1  
Because what goes around
Comes around
Fight for peace  
You’ll live by peace  
Fight for others Thou shalt remain eternal
Because what goes around comes around
[Refrain] twice  
[Verse 2]  
Hein hein !
Yoka, Yoka yoka Hey  
Fist in the air !  
Fist in the air as a sign of resistance
Fighting is all we do for our surviving
No matter how long it lasts  
The struggle will be permanent  
No matter how oppressive  
Escaping will never be imminent
For all mothers in tears
We raise our fists in the air  
For all the daughters in tears  
We'll wash away their honor  
For all our fathers gone and never to return  
For all the sons who have gone missing  
For all those who languish in prisons of shame  
For all our countries still waiting  
To breathe the fresh wind of freedom  
We won't give up  
This is not just a scream  
It's a call to Humanity  
Indignant for your freedom  
Because what goes around comes around
[Refrain] twice  
Hein hein yeah  
''To souls well born  
Value doesn’t wait for the number of years".  
Indignant !  
Fight for peace and justice  
Fight for freedom!  
Don't remain "neutral in situations of injustice" !  
To Santu Kizito 2, may Nzambia Mpungu Tulendo  welcome you to his kingdom  
Justice for Kizito (whispering)  
Fist in the air ! The fight goes on !  
1. Sony Labou Tansi, La Vie et demie, 1979 (novel)
2. Kizito Mihigo, born on July 25, 1981 in Kibeho and died on February 17, 2020 in Kigali, is a Rwandan gospel singer, liturgical songwriter, organist and composer, campaigning for peace and reconciliation.
A survivor of the Tutsi genocide and trained at the Paris Conservatory of Music, in 2010 he created the Kizito Mihigo Foundation for Peace. In 2012, he became a television host2. In April 2014, after publishing a critical song immediately banned by the Rwandan authorities, Kizito Mihigo was arrested for “threatening the state ”. On February 27, 2015, he was sentenced to ten years in prison for “conspiring against the government” of President Paul Kagame5. He was released by presidential pardon in September 14, 2018, along with Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza.
Arrested again on February 13, 2020, he died in his cell in Kigali on February 177, officially of suicide by hanging8. But this version is disputed by some Rwandans, who have always suggested that he was assassinated...

#JusticeForKizito #Justice4Kizito

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